Fluffy pies for souvlaki with triple dip
recipe by:
The hungry Kat
Level of difficulty
Time needed 90 minutes


480 g of all-purpose flour...

6 g of salt...

12 g of sugar...

6 g instant yeast...

220 g warm water...

70 g lukewarm DODONI milk...

40 g of sunflower oil...

30 g DODONI strained yogurt...

DIP 2 :

200 g DODONI strained yogurt...

Zest of half a lemon...

1/4 bunch dill, chopped...

10 ml of olive oil...

salt & pepper...

DIP 3 :

200 g DODONI strained yogurt...

2 tablespoons of mayonnaise...

1 tablespoon of mustard...

5 small pickled cucumbers...

2 teaspoons of pickle juice...

salt & pepper...


Put the flour, salt, sugar, yeast in a large bowl and mix. Then add the water, milk, sunflower oil and DODONI yogurt strained. Mix until the dough comes together.


Pour some flour on the counter, knead for 2 minutes and leave it covered to rise for 1 hour. Then, grease the counter - the dough will stick a little, but do not add flour and divide it into 10 equal pieces. Shape into round balls and open with a rolling pin. Put some olive oil in a non-stick pan and fry on high heat for 1·2 minutes on each side.


For the dips, mix all the ingredients together for each dip.